Pre order SLICK 2020 update
- Posted on
- By Pieter
- Posted in pre-order

28th of December 2020 - Status update on the december 2020 preorder for new SLICK and GALANA models. All pre-order have been shipped on the 23rd of December. Please let us know when something is not OK with your order.
The shoes are in! WoopWoop. Now working on getting all pre-orders shipped. We work in chronologic order. So we ship the oldest pre-orders first. We also entered a new COVID lockdown in the Netherlands, but it seems there is no delay in shipping abroad.
We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause for you. If you want to cancel your pre-order that has not been shipped yet, please contact us. We think you are as inpatient as we are to receive the new heels, but we hope you do realize that there are circumstances out of our control.