Temporary closure while we move
- Posted on
- By Pieter
- Posted in covid-19, giaro webshop

We are moving our stock to a new warehouse. On the 1st of November we move the last stock to our new warehouse. Our Shoebidoo Shoes and Sanctum Shoes stock have already moved. The shops are fuly open and available to buy your Giaro high heels.
We close the Giaro shop on the 1st of November and expect to open it again on the 15th of November 2020. During the closure the Shoebidoo Shoes will continue to sell Giaro High Heels.
Please go here: www.shoebidooshoes.com.
To celebrate the opening of our Giaro brandshop we will have a brand new collection of HERO SLICK high heels available end of November. Take a peek on our instagram @shoebidoo.
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